The sessions will take place in the lecture room B120 of the Exactum building (Pietari Kalmin katu 5, Helsinki) on Thursdays at 10:15-12 during the Spring 2019 semester.
- 17 January: Introduction to the course and introductory lecture [slides]
- 24 January: No session (lecturer will be available in B120 at 10:15 in case someone wants to ask questions about project topics or other parts of the course)
- 7 February: Pitch talks
- 14 March: Student presentations
- 21 March: Student presentations
- 28 March: Student presentations
- J. Sulo: Data Cleaning and Feature Engineering [report]
- K. Nordling: Problems with using complex supervised learning models
- 4 April: Student presentations
- 11 April: Student presentations
- 2 May: Student presentations
- G. Hasan: Exploration and visualization tool for analysing big data from a large measurements [report]
The reading list and draft reports as well as the opponents are available for the students from Moodle. The final reports will be published in this page.